We treasure a lot of our childhood memories. Do you remember those unforgettable romps in the outdoor as you grew up? The way you played physically engaging games with friends? Didn't you enjoy every bit of it? Truly those were the moments you always reminding yourself of.

Now that you are all grown up and you have your children, don't you want to pass on the same enjoyment to your children? Today, everyone is in their corner of the homes and tucked to some device, and amidst this, do you think your children are enjoying their childhood the way you did?

Nowadays it is almost impossible to get kids to put down their gadgets and do something to let the children move their hands and legs. When you are missing out on their play time you are not only making them miss out on their essential exercises but they are also losing out on a crucial part of learning too. Physical play time brings a lot of entertainment and learning for your child.

Research has shown that overuse of gadgets and addiction to the screen can stunt growth and damage a child's overall development. When our children play outdoor games and sports, your child is learning to think, analyze, comprehend, grasp general notions, explore creativity, understand the concept of space, practice problem-solving, and brush up on their language skills.

That said, what kind of activity you need that will not only entertain your child but also boosts your child's cognitive development? Let us talk about Provo treasure hunts.

Here are the benefits of organizing these treasure hunts for your child:

· Patience: Treasure hunts need a lot of time and your child will need to keep calm. They have to patiently unravel the clues and look patiently for the next one. They develop patience while uncovering each clue one after another.

· Paying attention: Treasure hunts require focus and attention. It is an activity where kids must be completely focused without being distracted by long screen time addiction. Following directions, navigating spaces, understanding maps and instructions, the hunt is going to teach them many necessary life skills.

· Team Work: Provo treasure hunts are organized not for individuals but there are team members to solve puzzles together, spanning out to look for various clues and unravel the treasure. The activity teaches them to work together, understand the gaps, thinking about how to win the game, and better able to interact with each other.

Treasure hunts are organized so that your children can be active and it is a solid way to let them exercise. And this is what you must gift them in their childhood. If you are planning for any Provo treasure hunt, reach out to us.